Mon May 30, 2016 3:40 pm iapetus Newsletter June 2016
T-Shirt/Paraphernalia Store
Somewhat the biggest news in a long time: We have set up a store on our website that allows to order paraphernalia with designs that were popularized by artists closely associated with us.
The products are being made on demand by a company called Spreadshirt, and come in all sorts of variations, sizes and qualities. Please have a look at the store and the products on offer. Let us know what you think. We have put up most of the classic designs, but also some new things. If there are any designs and/or options missing that you'd like to see, we're happy to add those. You can always reach us by sending an email to [][/url]
Free Downloads - Our Philosophy
We have always offered quite a few of our releases for free download (or for "name your price", to be more precise, that means enter "0" in the price field and the download is free!) and thorougly believe in the concept. Some of our most sucessful releases started out as free downloads. In 2016 we're running an experiment to make a whole series of 12 albums (Bernhard Wöstheinrich's MATERIAAL series) available for free and there's a new one out as of today: